Graphic Recording & Facilitation Course

Learn Graphic Recording from the most basic to a more advanced level. The courses includes both simple ride technique and symbol tagging, but also the development of business plans and overall the scheduling of Roadmaps. Its a powerful tool to assist companies and organisations for visualization and planning. Get a deeper understanding how to implement method into processes such as meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences.

Learn Graphic Facilitation and next level after mastering the skills as a Graphic Recorder. For example, How do you transfer ideas to pictures in a few seconds? How to listen and to moderate, to ask the correct questions and draw all at once? How to draw a holistic ecology extensivly and to assist any groups provess. 

Courses are held as daytime or evening courses.

You will learn to :

• Develop basic drawing and basic iconry • Capture conversations into drawings • Create inspiring Roadmaps • Analyze with the technique • Identify relevant icons and symbolsDraw up future visions in Workshops • Create the best conditions to resolve solutions and innovations

A Level – Graphic Recording beginner level. Most basics in drawing and capturing the conversation.

B Level – Graphic Recording intermediate level. For those who already have drawing experience and wants to bring their skills to the next level.

C Level – Advanced level. Bringing your skills to the level of a Graphic Facilitator. Entrance to this level requires experience working as Graphic Recorder.